Stottern in Köln e.V.

English Workshop

English Workshop

Communicating in a foreign language is challenging but also fun and useful. On these two evenings we will be speaking English for a change.

Many stutterers – myself included – feared and loathed English classes in school. Here you can confront your schooldays trauma in a relaxed and friendly environment and learn that reading one by one can actually be fun. Furthermore we will do conversational exercises and try to give some impromptu speeches („Stegreif-Reden“) on simple topics.

Leitung: Jannis Warnat, Köln
Termine: Dienstag, 27. April 2010 um 19.30 Uhr
Dienstag, 26. Oktober 2010 um 19.30 Uhr – fällt leider aus!
Ort: Doris-Roper-Haus, Kreutzerstr. 5-9, 50672 Köln